Saturday, October 14, 2017

(It's Not) A Happy Ending | Rage of Bahamut Virgin Soul Episode 24/Finale Review/Rant

Lol excuse my ugly handwriting on the grave, though I do try to be better with my calligraphy.

First off, I'd like to apologize for posting this weeks after the finale, but I've been bombarded with irl work, and it goes without saying that I had to prioritize that over this silly anime. Anyway...

This is it. We've finally arrived at the ending of Virgin Soul, and boy is it complete A-S-S.

Before we dive into hell again, let me play you a song that describes the show for me. Pay close attention to the lyrics because it really captures the essence of Virgin Soul (the orphans and "plot that's not quite awful" parts maybe not so much, but you get the gist):

With that out of the way, please turn your attention to my previous writings for Shingeki no Bahamut if you haven't done so already:
If you've followed me throughout my small journey with this anime, then it's probably safe to assume that we were all expecting this finale to go to shit, which it did, but it took "shit" and turned it into the biggest, jurassic mound of Indominus-rex feces there ever was. I'm astounded, and infinitely more disgusted than I was before with Virgin Soul, but at least I was able to laugh throughout the entire episode because even in its own bizarre, fictitious world, this finale lacked any sort of common sense to the point where it all turns into a big fucking joke. Surely the writer must be in on their own joke because I refuse to believe that any sane person with a brain (and a paid "professional" scriptwriter, mind you) can write something that stupid and dense, and call it a serious narrative work. A caveman could've written this episode and it would've been more intriguing. For fuck's sake, I've read tons of poorly-written fanfiction and they're all immensely better than this garbage.

The only way this ending starts to become palpable is if you unconditionally like Charioce and/or Nina, and frankly I'm not attached to those characters, so consider yourself warned because if you're not prepared or open to read criticism on them, then this review is not for you. I would rather avoid the whole situation of people feeling personally offended when I'm criticizing the argument presented by the writer, not the people who support it.

I might not address every little thing wrong with the episode and season overall because there is A LOT to address (not to mention the review would get repetitive since I've constantly described everything wrong with Virgin Soul on previous posts); it's overwhelming to tackle, and I'm tired.

Let's just get this over with.